Child and comuter

Child and comuter


In today's world it is difficult to imagine everyday life without computers and laptops, tablets and smartphones. Our children are also strongly attached to the achievements of technological development. 

Our children spend more time with a phone, computer or other gadget than they do with family members or friends. Even when kids get together, they are again playing group computer games instead of socializing or just taking a walk.

All this shows that kids are obsessed with computer games and are psychologically addicted to gadgets.

Let's find out what is really harmful to children:

·       Strain on eyesight. Children's eyes get tired very quickly.  If you sit at the screen for a long time, you may experience double vision, dryness and/or burning in the eyes. This can lead to myopia. Because of this, the child has to wear glasses. And many children play on a tablet or phone, lying on the bed, and sitting, collapsed in a chair, sometimes even on the floor, which also negatively affects vision. Pediatricians do not recommend that children under 7 years old play on the computer longer than 10-15 minutes, and schoolchildren longer than 30-40 minutes. At the same time, the distance to the monitor should not be less than 45-60 centimeters.

·       Load on the spine. Improper posture when working at the computer can provoke the development of scoliosis.

·       Nervous system problems. The child's nervous system is still weak and underdeveloped. Therefore, if he communicates with the computer for a long time, he may have trouble sleeping, sudden mood swings and strong excitability.

·       Load on the psyche. Computer games require a huge concentration of attention. Moreover, the ultimate focus requires not only dynamic games, and calm logical "puzzles". Easiest children perceive presentations with static pictures accompanied by music and / or speech, more stress causes reading from the screen or drawing on the computer, and finally, the most "harmful" for children's psyche dynamic games with an abundance of small details - they are the fastest cause fatigue. Do not allow preschoolers to play such games longer than 10 minutes. Otherwise, it will lead, which is very common, to psychological dependence of the child on gadgets.

Aggression, irritability, unwillingness to read books, ignoring studies and household chores, unwillingness to communicate with other children, play board games, lack of appetite, sleep problems.... The listed phenomena are signs of computer addiction, with which it is urgent to begin to fight.

Here are some recommendations for weaning your child off the computer or reducing the time spent with it?

·       parental controls. Ask what exactly the child is doing on social networks, watching movies, cartoons, playing games? It is necessary to discuss the benefits and harms of each of the options and offer an alternative,

·       Make a plan of joint affairs and activities, but let it not be housework, but hiking in the woods or fishing, visiting museums and exhibitions, trips to the cinema or entertainment centers. The main thing - focus on the child's interests, not your own

·       Enroll your child in an interesting circle, section, classes on educational programs.

·       If the age of the child allows you to give him responsibility for a living creature - have a pet. An ideal choice for schoolchildren is a companion dog: he himself may just be too lazy to go out, and the dog should be walked at least twice a day!

·       And most importantly, set an example! If dad plays war games all his free time, and mom sits in social networks (or vice versa), demanding from the child to turn off the computer and do something else, at least, silly. Communicate more with your child, try to understand his feelings and problems.